Upcoming Webinar

Where are GM-based food commodities grown and traded


1. Enhance appreciation of GM-based products and safety assessment processes.
2. Provide accurate information on status of biotechnology
3. To build linkages between experts and the media.

Conducted Webinar Recordings

Meeting ID Topic Duration Recorded Size Action


Photo - GM maize under research
Approved Genetically Modified Crops have Safe Record
By Dr Allan Liavoga; As myths and misconceptions demonizing genetically modified (GM) technology keep flying about, Africa is losing ground and sinking deeper into food insecurity, therefore shunning a solution...
Photo_01 - Bt cotton crop
Kenyan High Court Dismisses Case Challenging Lifting of GMO Ban
In a landmark ruling, Kenya’s High Court, on November 7, 2024 dismissed a consolidated petition that sought to block the government from lifting the ban on the importation, cultivation, and...
Tapping Potential
Tapping into the Potential of Young African Scientists to combat Misinformation on Agricultural Innovations
The growing adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Africa, like the early days of technologies such as cell phones, vaccines, and aeroplanes, has faced its share of controversies and challenges as...



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